festival di musica elettronica hardcore acido hard techno trance

Orario & Sede
25 ago 2023, 22:00
London, Juno Wy., London SE14 5RZ, Royaume-Uni
Info sull'evento
TikTakTekno (no.2) will be taking place 25th august!!!!!💋💋 This time more tekkkky (in the name), grimey, fast and crunchy, but still multi-genre as everrr!✨ Held at Bermondsey's AVALON CAF - from 9pm till late!!!
Featuring sets from DJJFUXX, MIDRIB (myself), KRUNX, SLINKI b2b SYNTAX and Angel Maze.
Tickets + more info: https://dice.fm/.../eyqby-tik-tak-tekno-25th-aug-avalon...
With these events I personally aim to push away the idea of genre purist events - tho these are great of course. At tik tak tekno there is music for everyone + the night will not be limited to a specific community or scene - therefore totally inclusive. I want these events to be a space for different communities within the underground rave scene to come together n dance + hopefully we can build something beautiful🫧:)x